At Illasi takes place "The Peara' Party", where you can taste peara' with cotechino
at Monteforte d'Alpone (even out of the provincial boundary) the Carnival is very popular here it is called "Carnevalon dell'Alpon", on this occasion people elect the masks of the village the "Re Torbolin" and "Sior Carnevale", all the celebrations will be accompained by rich gourmet big meals, and you can taste potato dumplings, chiacchere (grustoli), fritters, sweet ravioli (rufioi), everything will be accompained by Soave wine and white Novello, called "Torbolin"
On Saturday before Lent at Monteforte d'Alpone la sfilata notturna di carri allegorici takes place a night parade of floats and groups of masks. On Tuesday before Lent takes place a bigger procession, which attract many guests and tourists on all sides
On the last Tuesday of the month at Soave takes place the agricultural fairy.
During the third weekend at Colognola a i Collistakes place "The peas village fair" a typical product in addition to the wine of Colognola. The importance of this product in the village economy, is testified by the Carnival tradition, in which the most typical masks are the "Biso" king and the "Lasagna" queen. In fact the local dish is Lasagne with peas.
At Colognola ai Colli takes also place the "Showcase of local wines"
At Montecchia di Crosara will be performed many musical exhibitions
On the third Sunday of the month at Soave takes place the medioval festival of the white wine, on this occasion many authorities of Veneto and many important people, who come from all over Italy, get togheter in the Soave Castle to take part to a cerimony.. During this the Order of the Imperial Castellania of Suavia (a group of young ladies, who have in common the love for the Soave wine; this association was born in 1971) renew the rite of the Lady of the castle, the princess of Swabia, who was Federico della Scala's wife in the fourteenth century. Federico della Scala was the Valpolicella's count and he discovered that the white wine conteined some regenerative qualities. During the medioval festival of the white wine, it takes place a recalling of situations of medioval life with fancy dressed characters, a classical parade, a reproduction of a medioval market and a representation of ancient arts and crafts.
At Soave takes place in the castle the cerimony of investiture of the Ladies of the Castle, who belong to the Order of the Imperial Castellana of Swabia, accompained by an historical parade and by the partecipation of many confraternitiese.
Around the end of the month at Monteforte d'Alpone takes place the famous wine-festival (born in 1959) and the artists-festival, who get together in the square,on this occasion there is the prize-giving of the wine producers and of the best Soave and all this is accompained by several folk and gourmet events.
In addiction to this you can partecipate to the guided visits of the wine vaults of Monteforte and the conventions dedicated to the soave wine.
Nowadays in addiction to the wine festival there is an exibition, called "Vinchiostro", where you can taste wines and some specialities, offered by the local agricultural farms.
On the third Sunday of the month, at Roncà, togheter with a national bycicle race, takes place
"The Lessin Durello Festival".
On the first Sunday of June at Cazzano di Tramigna takes place the cherries provincial show "La Sagra delle More"
On the third Sunday of June at Montecchia di Crosara takes place the Cherries Festival
At the beginning of the month at Brognoligo takes place the cherries Feast and the Saint's wine Feast
On the last Sunday takes place at San Giovanni Ilarione the Castle's cherries Feast
On the last Saturday of the month at Soave, takes place in the Scaligero Castle's courtyard a manifestation with european and national chorus.
On the third Sunday of the month to Castelcerino di Soave, Saint Maria Maddalena Feast
On the forth Sunday of the month at Terrossa, stakes place, on Maria Maddalena'occasion, the dunkey's ancient Palio a nice ride, where the jockeis ride dunkeys. Before the competition there is a parade of floats.
- On the second Sunday at Cazzano di Tramigna takes place the iris' market-exibition
- On the second Sunday at Monteforte d'Alpone takes place the famous "Grape-harvest Festival" where the protagonists are the artists of the village, because they are engaged in a competition (wine treading), ancient agricultural tradition, to win the Palio.
- On the third Sunday of the month at Soave takes place the grape's Feast, born in 1929, thanks to a Luigi Zannini's idea, who was the wine groovers'cooperative President.
During this Feast there are many cultural activities: art and photograph shows, conventions about the wine, music and dance and obviously you can taste Soave wine.
At the end of the Feast takes place the Castle's fire, a very enchanting pyrotechnics display.
Every third week of the month at Soave takes place the antique market
Questo portale si propone di far conoscere a tutto il mondo la quantità di ricchezze naturali, enogastronomiche, storiche ed artistiche di queste zone. Ringraziamo tutti gli operatori e i cittadini che ci hanno aiutato e coloro che vorranno fornirci informazioni, materiale e quant’altro possa servire per rendere questo portale sempre più ricco e aggiornato. |