
Villa Mattarana
During this tour through Soave region you can find many "Ville", antique country residences, which belonged to the local aristicratic families, and still today they are artistic properties and also very interesting from the historic point of view. At Costalunga Monteforte's hamlet, you can find some noble country residences: Villa Buri, Villa Brognoligo Maffei, Villa Frigotto.
At Colognola ai Colli Colli there are many finds left, which date back to the roman period and the basement of Villa Spinola (with its beatiful park) and of Villa Peverelli, which dates back to sixteenth century.
The other interesting country residences are: Villa Glisenti (XIX century), Villa Carcerieri (XVI century), Villa Fano, Villa Cometti, Villa Moscardo and Bertani Palace.
At Illasi lies Villa Pompei Sagramoso, a beatiful building, built at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it is composed by a central main body and two wings and by a long stable. Indoors almost all the rooms are rich fresced.
The dining room is very nice and the sitting room at the first floor contains some neoclassic decorations.
Remarkable is also the park, where you can find some oaks and durmasts' exemplaries, that occupy all Tenda's mount till the ancient Castle's ruins.
Villa Carlotti Perez Pompei, is situated in the center of Illasi. The central hall is decorated by Antonio Balestra's frescos. Very pleasant is the Italian garden, enriched by statues.
At Mezzane di Sotto you can find several country residences:
Villa Giuliari Erbice (XV century), now it is the place of a cellar, Villa della Torre, especially famous for Paolo Farinati's frescos, Villa Maffei, now city hall, it is situated at Maggiore square, it was built in the XVII century and indoors it keeps some frescos of that period, Villa Schiavoni has got a decorated ceiling and a very large park, which encircled the residence now it is the place of a old people's home, Villa Erbice is situated after the village and it dates back to the XIV century.
Also at San Martino Buon Albergo you can find many country residences: Villa Musella (XVII century) very famous for its beatiful park with his paths, falls, an aviary and an oratory, La Mariona, Villa Guagnina (with a colombarium tower and a portico), La Fallonara (antique shoating house belonged to the Scaligeri's), Villa Marioni, Villa Camplato.
At Marcellise's hamlet you can find: Villa Orti Manara, Villa san Rocco, Villa Terreno, Villa Ferrari (enclosed to St.Toscana's church) and Villa Girasole.
San Pietro di Lavagno is encircled by country residences, among them stands out the impressive Villa Verita' Montanari, called "Il Boschetto", which dates back to the fifteenth century.
Indoors there is a main hall with an arched ceiling which deceives the fifteenth century origin of the building.
A grand staircase leads to the first floor 's hall, artfully decorated with false architectures by F.Maccasi. On the ceiling is fresced the Phaeton's myth, painted by G.Anselmi in 1779.
Attached to the country residence you can find the aristocratic Chapel, dedicated to the Holy Trinity.
The most significant part of the "Il Boschetto" is the park behind the residence.There you can find a fish pool, a little lake and some caves, and all this is furnished by a rich sculptural ornaments. |
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