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strada del vino soave

S A N  G I O V A N N I

It is situated at the end of the Val d'Alpone, it is a lively village, next to the traditional wine growing, the cherry growing and the chestnut growing, the citizens have recently discovered a new vocation for the leather -working.
In the direction of Vestanova you can find a basalt quarry, upon which in the past there was a fortress of Scaligeri.

strada del vino soave
Its history is characterised of series of signories (Scaligeri, Venetians, and so on..).
In Castello's hamlet, which in the past was the place of a fortification contented between the local rulers and the municipality of Vicenza, you can find a church dedicated to St.John of Baptist and it looks like to the santuary Of Vicenza called Monte Berico. Indoors there is a beautiful painting of Bartolomeo Montagna (one of the most famous painters of Vicenza of the sixteenth century), the Madonna with the infant Jesus and of St. Anthony of Padua and St.John Evangelist.
Upon Castello's hills it is situated the romanesque church of St Zeno, a building of thirtheenth century.
strada del vino soave



Questo portale si propone di far conoscere a tutto il mondo la quantità di ricchezze naturali, enogastronomiche, storiche ed artistiche di queste zone. Ringraziamo tutti gli operatori e i cittadini che ci hanno aiutato e coloro che vorranno fornirci informazioni, materiale e quant’altro possa servire per rendere questo portale sempre più ricco e aggiornato.