On the same square there is also Cavalli Palace or Pomini Palace, a gothic-venetian building, which dates back to the fifteenth century. On the very ruined front you can hardly see some frescos, which represent some mythological subjects, painted by Giovanni Maria Falconetto of Verona.
In front of this Palace there is the parish St.Laurence church, which dates back to the fourteenth century. Indoors it keeps many and valuable frescos and some statue. Other noteworthing buildings are: Pulici-Pieropan Palace (XV-XVI centuries), Moscardo Palace, Scaligeri Palace, now Town hall.
Between 1000 and 1500 four religious congregations have an influence on the religious and cultural life of the inhabitants of the town., and they stimulate the rise of many churches. The St. Maria di Montesano or dei Domenicani's church, built in 1443, in the lombard style. For a long time the interior of the church was used as cimitery, as shows the floor ploughed by tombstones. The bell tower has a belfry with mullioned windows with two lights, upon which it is carved the coat of arms of the town. Now the church is deconsecrated, and it is the palce of many shows and important cultural activities as the oenological contest "Soave top".
Other churches are situated out of walls and they are: St. Maria Bassanella; St George and St. Rocco.
Santa Maria Bassanella was built in 1100 as simple chapel. In 1800 was transformed and take a neoclassical aspect. The interior keeps some frescos and bas-reliefs, which date back to the fourteenth century. The importance of this church is bound to a tuff statue, which represents the Madonna with the infant Jesus, put on the major altar. The legend tells that this statue comes from Ponsara, a little nearby valley and it was brought in Borgo district, by request of the Virgin herself, appeared to a young shepherd around the year 1000. At the entrance of the church two stone bowls are embed in the wall, to which are attributed the power to cure some illnesses, the bowl on the right should cure headaches, if you put your head on it; the bowl on the left, instead, if used as kneeling-stood, should cure the pains of the knees.
Questo portale si propone di far conoscere a tutto il mondo la quantità di ricchezze naturali, enogastronomiche, storiche ed artistiche di queste zone. Ringraziamo tutti gli operatori e i cittadini che ci hanno aiutato e coloro che vorranno fornirci informazioni, materiale e quant’altro possa servire per rendere questo portale sempre più ricco e aggiornato. |